Gimana jadinya jika jalan hidup kita lurus seperti jalan tol? Bebas hambatan, cepat sampai tujuan. Apa itu yang di inginkan setiap orang? Gw ngga tau sih, kadang gw pribadi lelah dengan jalan yang terus berbelok belok penuh liku liku dan banyak hambatan. Untuk mencapai satu tujuan tertentu kadang jalannya aja masih tertutup. Hmm...kalau kita masuk jalan bebas hambatan tentunya kita hanya cukup bayar ongkos tol nya aja, langsung deh jalan, cepat sampai tujuan. So. logikanya adalah..everything will go on the right way if we pay for it?
Kemarin gw chatting dengan seseorang yang sekarang sedang tugas di Bangkok, dia adalah journalist untuk NGO UNDP. Dia banyak sekali memberi gw advise tentang falsafah hidup. Dan hari itu gw baru tau kalo ternyata dia juga seorang fortune teller, selain dulunya pernah kuliah di psikologi. Cukup kaget gw ketika dia mencoba membaca masa lalu gw..oh...where does he know about it? I never told him everything about my past, and even I always told a little lie about my present now :D Akhirnya dengan amat terpaksa gw mengakui kalo apa yang dia bilang ttg masa lalu gw adalah benar. Tetapi tetap dengan pembelaan "Yea, that's my past but now I'm change. Everybody need change" excuse banget ngga sih.
"That' s the past, now we talk about present then I tell u also about future" he said.
He said that I have family problem now,...but then he said that "You are very very lucky, u can be rich in future.."
Oh yeah? How come...terbersit di hati gw dan gw bilang ke dia.."How come u said that I will be rich? I have pathethic life in every side of my life, love life, financial life, working life"
I dont believe in luck, coz I never being lucky.
Kemudian dia mulai bilang...panjang..dan lebar...
"I will tell u what make it hard for u and why u think ure not lucky...I want u to know what block u many way, if not this is not ur life. u should have be good and more as u never think, but what i want u to understand is this, i want u to think all what i'm telling u and u will know the truth and the stupid of it. u r such a lucky girl but u don't know where to start.." Hmm gw mulai sedikit mikirin kata2nya dia...iya..I dont know where to start...jalan selalu tertutup, selalu harus ada uang jika jalan itu mau terbuka.
"You believe everything is money, u believe in money more than anything else, u can be self made millioniar, u know to be wise is more than money. Let me tell u this, if u r wise u can make money easy and u can see to what u r doing, wise is the best more than money, and to be simple also is the best of life.."
Iya, selama ini gw terlalu complicated, undescrible girl seperti apa yang dibilang Iskandar hihi...should've changed my life to be simple?
Then, what kind of luck will I have in future?
"u can be great that u never think, but u have something to do first for u to make use of ur luck that is coming. if u can do that i bet u believe me u will be more good in life"
What I have to do?
"First of all don't think money is more than everything. We have Wise, Love, Determination, Understanding, Peace, faith, hope., health, Aim and objective, then there will be everything for your life"
There are 5 problems that he mentions about me :
1. I dont have faith
2. I believe in money so much
3. I believe to make fast money
4. I dont have patience
5. I believe what I see but u don't think what will happen next
"U have to solve this ur problems out and u can make use of ur luck" "tergebok" dengan presentasinya dia tentang gw, he's damn right, setelah gw pikir...Oh My...Am I that bad...Am I that pessimist??
How pathethic I am... My self is more pathethic than my life...hahahha. I just realize now? Should I change? Yes...for better future, I have to change my paradigm, even now..I dont have a true purpose for my life. So, why I have to live? For what I have to live?
Kata kata dia memacu lagi semangat hidup gw yang mulai kendor seperti tali kolor. Kita hidup tanpa purpose, untuk apa? Harus ada sesuatu yang kita capai, harus selalu achieve something positive di setiap hela nafas kita, bukan hanya achieve good carreer for good money, but achieve good knowledge. good skill and intelligent. With that, of course I believe that every good way will be open for us, without pay, without money...
Thanks Amadou, u open up my mind...
and u also say "Dont rush...u will have the best"...
"We have Wise, Love, Determination, Understanding, Peace, faith, hope., health, Aim and objective, then there will be everything for your life..."
Ask a person u believe he is wise he will tell u more the meaning of that words and u can see how good it's
Is it one of u guyz who read my blog will tell me more about that words?....
Kemarin gw chatting dengan seseorang yang sekarang sedang tugas di Bangkok, dia adalah journalist untuk NGO UNDP. Dia banyak sekali memberi gw advise tentang falsafah hidup. Dan hari itu gw baru tau kalo ternyata dia juga seorang fortune teller, selain dulunya pernah kuliah di psikologi. Cukup kaget gw ketika dia mencoba membaca masa lalu gw..oh...where does he know about it? I never told him everything about my past, and even I always told a little lie about my present now :D Akhirnya dengan amat terpaksa gw mengakui kalo apa yang dia bilang ttg masa lalu gw adalah benar. Tetapi tetap dengan pembelaan "Yea, that's my past but now I'm change. Everybody need change" excuse banget ngga sih.
"That' s the past, now we talk about present then I tell u also about future" he said.
He said that I have family problem now,...but then he said that "You are very very lucky, u can be rich in future.."
Oh yeah? How come...terbersit di hati gw dan gw bilang ke dia.."How come u said that I will be rich? I have pathethic life in every side of my life, love life, financial life, working life"
I dont believe in luck, coz I never being lucky.
Kemudian dia mulai bilang...panjang..dan lebar...
"I will tell u what make it hard for u and why u think ure not lucky...I want u to know what block u many way, if not this is not ur life. u should have be good and more as u never think, but what i want u to understand is this, i want u to think all what i'm telling u and u will know the truth and the stupid of it. u r such a lucky girl but u don't know where to start.." Hmm gw mulai sedikit mikirin kata2nya dia...iya..I dont know where to start...jalan selalu tertutup, selalu harus ada uang jika jalan itu mau terbuka.
"You believe everything is money, u believe in money more than anything else, u can be self made millioniar, u know to be wise is more than money. Let me tell u this, if u r wise u can make money easy and u can see to what u r doing, wise is the best more than money, and to be simple also is the best of life.."
Iya, selama ini gw terlalu complicated, undescrible girl seperti apa yang dibilang Iskandar hihi...should've changed my life to be simple?
Then, what kind of luck will I have in future?
"u can be great that u never think, but u have something to do first for u to make use of ur luck that is coming. if u can do that i bet u believe me u will be more good in life"
What I have to do?
"First of all don't think money is more than everything. We have Wise, Love, Determination, Understanding, Peace, faith, hope., health, Aim and objective, then there will be everything for your life"
There are 5 problems that he mentions about me :
1. I dont have faith
2. I believe in money so much
3. I believe to make fast money
4. I dont have patience
5. I believe what I see but u don't think what will happen next
"U have to solve this ur problems out and u can make use of ur luck" "tergebok" dengan presentasinya dia tentang gw, he's damn right, setelah gw pikir...Oh My...Am I that bad...Am I that pessimist??
How pathethic I am... My self is more pathethic than my life...hahahha. I just realize now? Should I change? Yes...for better future, I have to change my paradigm, even now..I dont have a true purpose for my life. So, why I have to live? For what I have to live?
Kata kata dia memacu lagi semangat hidup gw yang mulai kendor seperti tali kolor. Kita hidup tanpa purpose, untuk apa? Harus ada sesuatu yang kita capai, harus selalu achieve something positive di setiap hela nafas kita, bukan hanya achieve good carreer for good money, but achieve good knowledge. good skill and intelligent. With that, of course I believe that every good way will be open for us, without pay, without money...
Thanks Amadou, u open up my mind...
and u also say "Dont rush...u will have the best"...
"We have Wise, Love, Determination, Understanding, Peace, faith, hope., health, Aim and objective, then there will be everything for your life..."
Ask a person u believe he is wise he will tell u more the meaning of that words and u can see how good it's
Is it one of u guyz who read my blog will tell me more about that words?....
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