Finally I and him hang out together..
We went to the karaoke and sing all duet songs together.
And I was so surprised when he held my hand while we walked along the basement through his car "Naon ih? Maneh kunaon?" Hahaha

Thank u for the nite, I enjoyed so much :)
"You're gonna fly away Glad you're goin my way, I love it when we're cruisin' together. Music is played for love Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together"
3 komentar:
bt, masa kata Iskandar fotonya mirip ama Ryan Jombang :mad:
ngga asik ceritanya, ngga lengkap.
abis karoke kemana lagi tuh???
soalnya siangnya lu kan bawa kondom.
iye kan??
iye kan??
ngga ngaku jadi bininya iskandar loh..
Ga sudi gw jadi bininya iskanjud Huaaa....
Gw ini salah satu aktivis HIV AIDS pik, jadi kemana mana harus bawa..just for in case hahahah alibi :p
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