Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

Cloud 9

Last nite I went to Cloud 9 with boendz and his friends.
Such a nice lounge on the top of Dago, the weather is cold and the crew they are so familiar.
We had a bottle of Jim Beam and a pitcher of beer.
Had a dance with "bule" named Danial hahahaa....

It's quite fun, but after that I got headache and had a big question...
What am I doing last nite????

senangnya hatiku

semoga ini bukan khayalan, semoga ini kenyataan, aku bahagia.
ah I love youuu biiibehhh!!!

Minggu, 27 Juli 2008

Being minority in the majority

Beginilah jadinya, karena kaum pria di kantor gw lebih banyak dari wanita, khusus nya di divisi gw, gw adalah satu2nya cewek, dengan amat terpaksa, tingkah laku gw mulai agak2 terlihat seperti laki-laki.
Iskandar bilang..."lu cewek apa cowok sih?".... Taufan bilang "Sekalipun lu naked depan gw, gw kaga bakalan horny sama lo"
Tapi gini2 gw masih tetap cewek...punya rasa sensitivitas, feminitas, dan yang paling utama : MASIH MENYUKAI LAKI LAKI
Yang penting gw lucu dan gemesin khaan??... huahahauhhauha

awwww ga ku kuu
muka jelekkkk
Peace out!!!
lucu khaaan
Im the only one gal :D
The techinicians

Oops I did it again

"Oops.. I did it again, I play with ur heart, gotta lost in this game oh baby baby"

Pindahan meja

Hari ini gw dan teknisi pindahan meja..semangattt..pindah ke blank spot!!
Ini dia liputannya, gw bagian dokumentasi nih :D

Parman lagi cabutin kabel LCD buat di meja gw :p

Coz dan Hans angkutin meja baru hihi berat yah
Wuihh beratt...
Nih dia blank spot..deket jendela, bisa ngecenk anak maranatha :D
Boss Hans
Office boy kita wkwkwkkw
poto dulu ah abis beres2
OP cafe ikutan mejeng :D hihiih
Ini dia meja gw.........ketauan lagi ceting :D
teknisi kita yg ganteng2 :D
Melong naon atuh a?
di sarang penyamun
backstreet boys...wkwkwkkwkw
Mana yang paling jelek??
Horeeeeee kita menang (plakat punya org padahal :p)
Kasihanilah... kami....


Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

Dhea's Flowery Party at Cafe Congo - Dago Resort

Baca ini dari bawah ke atas (pls scroll down)

Nah ini dia, orang gila yang paling rese malam itu!! wakakakkaka

The beautiful one with pink roses slight in her hair :D

Dont get missunderstood..this is my partner at office hihi..

The party member!

This song I dedicated to Dhea and friends..enjoy!!..

Look!...Im the only one girl of the team!

The only three girls..

relax on the sofa..

Appetizer time..

Wow Yummy... slrrpss!!

Suprise cake!!...Happy bday dhea!!

Wifle (What I feel expressing) before the event start

Just arrived to Congo..

On the way to Cafe Congo

Kamis, 24 Juli 2008

Bukit Bintang

Menelusuri lagi jalan-jalan itu..tapi kali ini tidak dengan dia...
Ketika gw sampai disini....nggak sengaja gw liat foto2 itu lagi...
Foto ini salah satunya, foto yg lain gak bisa gw tampilin disini, off the record.

Kangen banget...kangen banget waktu dulu. Bisa becanda, ketawa lepas dengan dia, sometimes I blame my self why should I tell him how much I care bout him..

Now, I try to forget that feeling, everytime I look at his face I fight with this heart...damn..I care bout him a lot, I wanna touch him, I wanna hug him just like I did before but he's not mine..he has his own life and he belongs to someone else..a girl that I know he loves her so much.

This feeling start to disappear little by little, and we have a commitment that we are totally just friend now, tapi gw tau...dia nggak akan pernah bisa menjadi dia yang dulu...dia yang dulu...dia dan aku..yang dulu hanya berteman...yang dulu sering bercanda, yang dulu sering cubit2 pipi, curhat kesana kemari...

Damn!...I really miss that moment :(

Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

why boyz?

Why I feel so fed up with boyz...
It's bcoz...
1. They act like they are everything in this world, in fact they are nothing than a scumbag
2. They said that they care bout me, wanna be beside fact they are never here with me
3. They cant help me when I need help...
4. They love game more than love me
5. They love their job more than love me

When I have some trouble, they are not here with me, they just can talk some bullshit, bluffing, but doin nothing!
So, what is their function if I can solve the problem only by my self? What is their function?